# Apache configuration File for resultsdb # Read README.txt # This should be added to your apache config folder. # If you are mounting your app as a site wide you can rename the file # to something like `002-resultsdb` # and put anything else that you want to be available in 001-someapp; # When done editing this file copy to apache config folder. # On Debian copy to /etc/apache2/sites-available/ # cp ./apache/resultsdb /etc/apache2/sites-available/resultsdb # a2ensite resultsdb # Your TurboGears project needs to be installed at:: # /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb # So that this file is present:: # /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/production.ini # You can reconfigure this with:: # paster modwsgi_deploy --deployment=somedir # This folder should be outside of apache's "file" location. # Your package should not be installed into python site-package. WSGIPythonHome /usr/local/pythonenv/BASELINE/ # TODO: confirm that this line is appropriate for Daemon mode... WSGIPythonPath /usr/local/pythonenv/BASELINE/resultsdb/lib/python2.6/site-packages # Allow apache to serve static content. # Your site is configured to mount at /resultsdb/ (use --mount to change this) Alias /resultsdb/images /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/resultsdb/public/images Alias /resultsdb/css /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/resultsdb/public/css Alias /resultsdb/javascript /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/resultsdb/public/javascript # Choose deamon mode with 10 threads and 3 processes. # For small to medium website. WSGIDaemonProcess resultsdb threads=10 processes=3 WSGIProcessGroup resultsdb WSGIScriptAlias /resultsdb/ /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/apache/resultsdb.wsgi # Directory Permissions. Order deny,allow Allow from all # You have not specified a VirtualHost name, pass --virtualhost=my.example.com # to paster modwsgi_deploy to use VirtualHost support.